Bitget custodial trading sub-account

Custodial trading sub-account

Professional, flexible, and secure custodial sub-account services

Low fee rates and high return on investment

How to use a custodial sub-account


Delegated trader

Create a custodial sub-account

Bind a delegate trader

Upload a delegation agreement

Transfer funds

Custodial sub-account perks


Improved fund utilization

Create multiple custodial sub-accounts with flexible asset allocation and entrust them to different delegated traders.

Enjoy VIP rates

Reduce custodial sub-account transaction fees and enjoy better fee rates.

High profitability

Secure stable profits from the trading strategies of delegated traders.

Risk management

Have control over account permissions for deposit, withdrawal, unbinding, and freezing.

Delegated traders

Flexible fund management

Flexible and effective fund management
through multiple custodial sub-accounts.

Upgraded VIP level

The trading volume during the custodian period will be credited to the delegated trader's account
to upgrade its VIP level for better perks.

Secure trading strategies

The trading volume during the custodian period will be credited to the delegated trader's account
to upgrade its VIP level for better perks.

Custodial sub-account FAQ

Are there any fees for creating and maintaining a custodial sub-account?

No. There are no fees associated with creating and maintaining a custodial sub-account.

Are there any identity verification requirements to create a custodial sub-account?

Yes. Identity verification is required to create a custodial sub-account.

How are fees charged for custodial sub-accounts?

The transaction fee for each order is charged based on the fee rate of the investor's account or the delegated trader's account, whichever is lower.

What permissions does the investor have after delegation?

After delegation, the investor retains certain permissions such as viewing the account balance, transferring funds in or out, freezing the account, revoking the delegation, and performing other account management actions. However, they are unable to view trading information such as order details and positions.

What should I consider when canceling the delegation of a custodial sub-account?

After an investor initiates the delegation of a custodial sub-account, there is a waiting period of seven days for the delegation to be confirmed. If the delegated trader does not confirm the delegation by the end of this waiting period, it will be automatically canceled.

Once initiated and confirmed, the delegation can still be canceled by both the investor and the delegated trader. Upon cancellation, the API key of the custodial sub-account created by the delegated trader will be automatically deleted, and any open spot or futures orders will be canceled.

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