Bitget Launchpool Guide (2024 APP Version)
Bitget is a leading global cryptocurrency exchange that offers a wide range of financial products designed to enhance users' digital asset portfolios. Bitget Launchpool stands out as one of our most popular Earn products, providing a unique way for users to grow their investments while contributing to the development of the crypto ecosystem.
Cultivating Growth And Unlocking Potential With The Power Of Staking
Bitget Launchpool offers users the opportunity to earn rewards at no additional cost by staking their existing assets in promising new projects. Unlike traditional crypto staking, the streamlined process on Bitget Launchpool is designed for convenience and efficiency, hence users are able to participate with minimal effort. With short-term staking options, users can respond quickly to market changes and, at the same time, maximising their earning potential with the flexibility to adjust their strategies as needed.
The platform’s diverse range of staking pools provides access to a variety of potential projects to allow users to diversify their portfolios and capitalise on emerging trends. When participating in these pools, users earn extra tokens for free with minimal risk, thanks to the short-term nature of the staking options and Bitget's exceptionally strict security measures. In short, Bitget Launchpool is an excellent choice for those looking to explore new opportunities and enhance their digital asset holdings with agility and ease.
Tutorial For Bitget Launchpool On The Bitget App
Step 1
Open the Bitget App and tap [More] on the main page.
Step 2
Tap on [Earn] on the navigation bar as marked below.
Step 3
On Bitget Earn's main page, tap on [Launchpool].
Step 4
If a project is open for staking, you'll see the [Farming] notice next to its name and [Stake] button below the pool(s) available for that project. Tap on your preferred pool to proceed.
Step 5
Enter your subscription amount (must be higher than or at least equal to the minimum requirement as shown in the marked area below) and [Confirm].
The estimated APR of launchpools may decrease as more people stake or farm in these pools because, as more participants join, the rewards each individual receives become more diluted. In other words, since the APR is dynamically calculated in real-time based on the total rewards relative to the total amount staked, increased participation causes the return on each staked token to drop. Therefore, it is generally recommended to begin farming as soon as the pool opens, as early participants benefit from a higher initial APR, less dilution of rewards, and the opportunity to maximise their returns before the rate potentially decreases. However, lower APRs over time aren't always certain, so there remains significant potential for strong returns if you time your entry well and stay informed about the pool's dynamics.