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Bitget One-click Copy Trade: Change the Nickname of Traders and Followers
Global Bitgetters,
Here are the details on [Setting a nickname as a trader or a follower] in Bitget One-Click Copy Trade.
1. Manually setting a nickname
Go to Copy Trading - My Copy Trades - Settings, and set your preferred nickname.
Only letters and numbers are allowed. The maximum length is 20 letters and numbers.
You cannot change your nickname once it is set. Please choose a nickname carefully.
The implicit or explicit disclosure or implication of your social media accounts or contact details in your nickname or profile details is prohibited.
2. Using a system-generated nickname
System-generated usernames of traders and followers will be displayed unless they customize their own nicknames.
For example, if a trader is followed by users but has not set up a nickname, a username in the format of “BGUSER-XXXX” will be displayed.
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