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Join Bitget's derivatives community and enjoy exclusive benefits!
Global Bitgetters,
To provide better services for our users, Bitget is opening a Telegram community dedicated to crypto derivatives (spot margin trading, strategy trading, and ETF products)!
The early birds that join will get special rewards! Join Bitget’s derivatives community now to participate in exclusive promotions!
Promotion duration:April 25, 2023 18:00 - April 28, 2023 18:00 (UTC+8)
Promotion details:
1. Join Bitget’s Telegram group for derivatives.
2. Share a snapshot of your positions of any Bitget derivatives (spot margin trading, strategy trading, and ETF products) in the group during the event.
3. Fill in a form to submit your Bitget primary account UID and your Telegram ID.
4. Bitget will draw 10 users, and each will get 10 USDT.
4. Introduction to Index Futures
Join Bitget, the World's Largest Crypto Copy Trading Platform