The founder and mastermind of the messenger Telegram Pavel Durov said , that the platform will soon have 10 new features for developers of "mini-apps". With their help, it will be possible to create many new applications and games.
In particular, new features will include shortcuts on the home screen, sharing media files, increased limits on sending messages and sending gifts.
In addition, developers will be able to take advantage of subscription plans, gain access to geolocation and emoji status, have information about the orientation of the device, and so on.
According to Pavel Durov, the new features will be launched within a few weeks, and some of them, such as monetization of advertising content and expanded limits on sending messages, are already fully functional.
The platform appears to be trying to attract new users and developers after a decline in interest in clicker games, including Hamster Combat, which lost most of its audience in a few months.
How popular the new 10 functions will be among the developers of "mini-apps" will become known by the end of this year. Perhaps, thanks to them, the messenger will be able to increase its audience several times.