Bitget P2P Trading Guide for Purchasing USDT (web)
Dear Global Bitgetters,
If you want to purchase USDT via our latest P2P Trading functions, please follow these steps:
P2P Trading (PC Version)
1. Log in to the Bitget Web homepage. (KYC verification completion required)
2. Click the ' Buy Crypto' button at the top of the homepage.
3. Click on the 'P2P trading' tap will lead you to the corresponding page.
4. Click the 'Buy' button below the ‘P2P trading’ tap and select FIAT as INR.
5. Click 'Buy' located on the right.
6. Enter the 'Purchase Amount’ or ‘Purchase Quantity' (please be aware of the quantity limit set by merchants).
7. Select the 'Payment Method' supported by the merchant.
8. Click the 'Buy' button.
9. Click the 'Payment Complete' button after you've made the payment by the transaction deadline. (you must deposit to the account in the merchant’s name and no information can be entered)
10. Wait for the merchant to release the coins.
11. Once the transaction is complete, you can see your funds in your P2P account
12. You can chat with P2P merchants through the chat window on the right.
13. Click the “OK” button after you’ve reviewed the transaction details carefully. Be aware of phishing links, accounts involved with suspicious transactions will be temporarily seized for security measures.
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