Not everyone with “cryptographer” in their title has the training or expertise to write cryptographic code that’s used by real people to protect real things
Plus, a CryptoPunk sells for $12 million and Blockworks buys a goat
Meanwhile, Euler returns with a V2 launch of its lending protocol
If we can’t help protect people’s finances in 2024, what does that mean for the future of our financial systems?
Renzo benefitted from the hyped up restaking narrative and points bonanza
Consensys filed a lawsuit against the SEC in a Texas court on Thursday
Resy co-founder Ben Leventhal’s newest venture involves public blockchains and free coffee
After seven years in crypto, the best use of this magical internet money I’ve found so far is my 50 USDC purchase of Vincent Van Goat from a Kenyan man I found on Twitter
Cryptocurrencies look like they are closing out a volatile week relatively flat
The Algorand Foundation touts the network as first to go after pool of 10 million global developers