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How to sell MAGE (MAGE) via a crypto wallet

Updated on: 2024-12-28 04:38:53(UTC+0)
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Note: MAGE is not yet listed for trading or other services on the Bitget exchange. Bitget Wallet supports on-chain transactions for cryptocurrencies across multiple blockchains. You can sell MAGE via Bitget Wallet.
In this tutorial, we will discuss:
Where and how to sell MAGE via a crypto wallet
How to withdraw MAGE with Bitget's hassle-free withdrawal process

Where and how to sell MAGE via a crypto wallet

Investing in MAGE has never been easier. This is a widely adopted method to sell MAGE. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to sell MAGE on Bitget Wallet.

Step-by-step guide

Step 1: Download Bitget Wallet

Eyeing a token not yet listed on Bitget? Here's a step-by-step guide on how you can buy MAGE on Bitget Wallet. Simply download the Bitget Wallet Chrome extension on your PC, or get the Bitget Wallet app on Google Play or the Apple Store!

2-qadam: MAGE hamyonni yarating

Already installed Bitget Wallet? Jump right in and select "Create a Wallet" to get started.
Bosh sahifadagi "Hamyon" ni bosing va yuqori o'ng burchakdagi ro'yxatdan MAGE-ni qo'llab-quvvatlaydigan asosiy tarmog'ni tanlang. Siz MAGE uchun Web3 hamyonini muvaffaqiyatli yaratdingiz!

3-qadam: Kripto hamyoningizda MAGE ni svoplang

Agar sizning kripto hamyoningizda allaqachon MAGE bo'lsa (masalan, Bitget Wallet) ularni Bitget Wallet ichidagi DEX savdo platformasida boshqa tokenlarga (masalan, USDT yoki BTC) osongina almashtirishingiz mumkin.

4-qadam: P2P mavjud tokenlarini kripto hamyoningizdan Bitgetga yechib oling

If you already have tokens (i.e. USDT, BTC) available on the Bitget P2P trading platform in your wallet, you can easily deposit these assets into your Bitget account.
Go to the Deposit page, and select the coin and the blockchain network (e.g., ERC20, TRC20, BTC, BEP20).
After selecting your preferred coin and network, an address and a QR code will be generated. You can use either one of these methods to initiate the deposit.
  • Ensure the blockchain network you select matches the withdrawal platform, as using the incorrect network can result in the irreversible loss of assets.
  • Proceed with transferring your crypto from your external wallet by confirming the withdrawal details and sending it to your Bitget account address.
  • Deposits require a certain number of confirmations on the network before they appear in your account.

5-qadam: MAGE uchun P2P bozorida buyurtma joylashtiring

Make P2P trades with 0 fees: With Bitget P2P, you can sell crypto using over 100 payment methods, including bank transfer, cash, and e-wallets like Payeer, Zelle, Perfect Money, Advcash, and Wise. Simply place an order, pay the buyer, and receive your fiat currency.

How to withdraw MAGE with Bitget's hassle-free withdrawal process

Using an exchange is one of the most convenient ways to cash out your MAGE or other cryptocurrencies, and Bitget stands out as an excellent choice. With its intuitive Buy/Sell buttons, Bitget simplifies the process, allowing you to easily select the cryptocurrency you want to sell and specify the amount.
When it comes to withdrawing the MAGE you've acquired, Bitget offers a seamless experience. Enjoy competitive fees, a flexible minimum withdrawal threshold, and lightning-fast processing within 24 hours, ensuring your funds are readily available.

FAQs about selling MAGE (MAGE) via Bitget

Why sell MAGE?

What are the fees for selling crypto with Bitget P2P markets?

As a crypto P2P seller, how am I protected?

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Cryptocurrency investment activities, including selling MAGE online via Bitget, are subject to market risk. Bitget provides easy and convenient ways for you to sell MAGE instantly, and we strive to fully inform our users about each cryptocurrency we offer on our exchange. However, we are not responsible for any outcomes arising from your MAGE sale. This page, and the information within it, is not intended to be an endorsement of any specific cryptocurrency or acquisition method.