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AVA Chiang Mai Night Safariの価格

AVA Chiang Mai Night Safariの‌価格AVA


AVA Chiang Mai Night Safariに投票しましょう!


今日のAVA Chiang Mai Night Safariの価格

AVA Chiang Mai Night Safari の今日の現在価格は、(AVA / USD)あたり$0.0006244 で、現在の時価総額は$0.00 USDです。24時間の取引量は$47,715.17 USDです。AVAからUSDの価格はリアルタイムで更新されています。AVA Chiang Mai Night Safari は16.67%過去24時間で変動しました。循環供給は0 です。




AVA Chiang Mai Night Safariの利益を計算する

AVA Chiang Mai Night Safariの価格予測




2031年には、AVAの価格は-18.00%変動する見込みです。 2031年末には、AVAの価格は$0.004264に達し、累積ROIは+555.36%になると予測されます。

AVA Chiang Mai Night Safariの価格履歴(USD)

AVA Chiang Mai Night Safariの価格は、この1年で-95.67%を記録しました。直近1年間のUSD建ての最高値は$0.01491で、直近1年間のUSD建ての最安値は$0.0005055でした。
時間価格変動率(%)価格変動率(%)最低価格対応する期間における{0}の最低価格です。最高価格 最高価格
すべての期間-95.67%$0.0005055(2025-01-02, 今日 )$0.01491(2024-11-29, 35 日前 )

AVA Chiang Mai Night Safariの市場情報

24時間取引量 / 時価総額
1,000,000,000 AVA
1,000,000,000 AVA
AVA Chiang Mai Night Safariを今すぐ購入する

AVA Chiang Mai Night Safariの評価


AVA Chiang Mai Night Safari(AVA)の購入方法





AVA Chiang Mai Night Safari (AVA)を購入

AVA Chiang Mai Night Safari (AVA)を購入

BitgetでAVA Chiang Mai Night Safariを購入するには、様々なお支払い方法をご利用いただけます。




AVA Chiang Mai Night Safariの現在の価格はいくらですか?

AVA Chiang Mai Night Safariのライブ価格は$0(AVA/USD)で、現在の時価総額は$0 USDです。AVA Chiang Mai Night Safariの価値は、暗号資産市場の24時間365日休みない動きにより、頻繁に変動します。AVA Chiang Mai Night Safariのリアルタイムでの現在価格とその履歴データは、Bitgetで閲覧可能です。

AVA Chiang Mai Night Safariの24時間取引量は?

過去24時間で、AVA Chiang Mai Night Safariの取引量は$47,715.17です。

AVA Chiang Mai Night Safariの過去最高値はいくらですか?

AVA Chiang Mai Night Safari の過去最高値は$0.01491です。この過去最高値は、AVA Chiang Mai Night Safariがローンチされて以来の最高値です。

BitgetでAVA Chiang Mai Night Safariを購入できますか?

はい、AVA Chiang Mai Night Safariは現在、Bitgetの取引所で利用できます。より詳細な手順については、お役立ちの購入方法 ガイドをご覧ください。

AVA Chiang Mai Night Safariに投資して安定した収入を得ることはできますか?


AVA Chiang Mai Night Safariを最も安く購入できるのはどこですか?


AVA Chiang Mai Night Safari(AVA)はどこで買えますか?

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1 AVA = 0.0006244 USD



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AVAX: Powering the Avalanche Blockchain Revolution
AVAX is the native token of Avalanche, a groundbreaking blockchain platform designed for scalability, speed, and security. Since its launch in 2020 by Ava Labs, Avalanche has gained significant traction as one of the fastest-growing blockchain ecosystems, attracting developers, investors, and enterprises alike. Avalanche’s unique architecture sets it apart from traditional blockchains. It operates using three interoperable chains: the Exchange Chain (X-Chain), Platform Chain (P-Chain), and Contract Chain (C-Chain). This modular structure optimizes the network for specific tasks, such as asset creation, staking, and smart contracts, enabling unmatched transaction speed and efficiency. The AVAX token is integral to the Avalanche ecosystem, serving as a means for transaction fees, staking rewards, and governance participation. With staking, AVAX holders can secure the network and earn passive income, while governance rights empower them to vote on critical network decisions. Avalanche’s low fees and sub-second transaction finality make it a competitive alternative to other blockchain platforms. One of Avalanche's key strengths is its compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This feature allows developers to deploy Ethereum-based decentralized applications (dApps) on Avalanche, benefiting from its faster and cheaper infrastructure. As a result, Avalanche has become a hotspot for DeFi platforms, NFT projects, and Web3 innovations. The ecosystem's rapid growth is evident, with hundreds of projects launched and partnerships formed. Avalanche's commitment to eco-friendliness, achieved through its proof-of-stake consensus, also resonates with the global push for sustainable technologies. AVAX's potential as an investment lies in its utility and the platform's continued adoption. As blockchain technology evolves, Avalanche’s ability to address scalability challenges positions it as a leader in the space. For those exploring the crypto market, AVAX is a token worth understanding and watching closely. $AVAX
ava 2$
2024/12/24 07:14
What is cryptocurrency Avalanche (AVAX) and how does it work?
The sector of decentralized finance is simply booming. DeFi has become more popular in recent years as there seems to be a growing need to manage finances with more autonomy and privacy. Banks and financial institutions act as central authorities and middlemen in the traditional model of finance management. Blockchain allows people to stay anonymous with full transparency, high security, and full control over their funds. DeFi expands this model of decentralization and reveals new use cases and functions that contribute to the further development of financial independence. DeFi has seen a great number of new projects joining the sector, with Avalanche (AVAX) among the more prominent. Avalanche allows users to launch DeFi applications and create financial assets, while the blockchain platform also enables trading and other financial services. Interested in Avalanche (AVAX), but not sure what it’s all about or where to even begin? No worries. This guide is designed to teach you everything you need to know about the project and get you ready to jump into the most user-friendly trading experience available on the market. What is Avalanche (AVAX)? Avalanche is a blockchain platform that offers tools and features that allow users to launch DeFi decentralized applications. The platform also has a suite of tools for creating financial assets and enables trading and the building of enterprise-scale financial solutions. Avalanche is an open-source decentralized system that is based on smart contract operations. At the same time, Avalanche is said to be the first smart contract platform that can finalize transactions in less than a second. The platform supports the entire toolkit used on the Ethereum network and also contains a record number of block-producing nodes on its testnet. The network has the potential to process over 4,500 transactions per second, making it one of the fastest blockchains on the market. Avalanche allows users and enterprises to build their own financial assets and DeFi applications for different use cases, as well as public and private blockchain networks. Users can make customized blockchain networks and create their own set of rules to run the network. Avalanche creates an interoperable ecosystem where users can interact with different networks and applications built on the network. AVAX is the native token of the Avalanche ecosystem and is the centerpiece of the governance system. AVAX can be staked for voting and is also used as the main payment method on the network. Users can additionally pay fees with AVAX How Does Avalanche Work? Avalanche runs on smart contracts and supports the Ethereum Virtual Machine and Ethereum toolkit for developers, thus enabling Ethereum developers to launch their Dapps on Avalanche. Avalanche is based on a system of three blockchains that are connected via interoperability, Exchange Chain, Contract Chain, and Platform Chain. Avalanche splits its architecture into three as it is supported by three different blockchain environments, which makes it easier for the network to scale and offer flexible solutions for public and enterprise-scale Dapps. This system also allows Ethereum developers to utilize a network with increased scalability and interoperability while still compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine. When it comes to the use case and support of each of the three networks that Avalanche is built on, all of them have special and unique utility. Who Are the Founders of Avalanche (AVAX)? (History of Avalanche) Avalanche was created by the Ava Labs company, which was co-founded by Emin Gün Sirer, Kevin Sekniqi, and Ted Yin. Sirer is a software engineer, and Yin created the HotStuff Protocol that is used in Facebook’s blockchain project, Libra. The team has a strong background in blockchain and aims to create a global trading market for different digital assets while facilitating a scalable environment for Ethereum developers. Avalanche launched its testnet in May 2019, while the mainnet launch followed in September 2021. The dev team created the Avalanche consensus to reach a speed of transactions that could match Visa, all while addressing the problem of scaling found in Bitcoin and Ethereum. What Makes Avalanche Unique? Avalanche is a unique network thanks to the Avalanche consensus which is a variation of the Proof of Stake protocol. The protocol enables scaling, so the system allows the processing of over 4,500 transactions per second in comparison with Ethereum’s 14 TPS and Bitcoin’s 7 TPS. The protocol places Avalanche among the rare networks that can provide finalization for transactions in under a second. Another thing that makes Avalanche unique is its approach to developers working with the EVM, offering scaling and flexibility for public and enterprise-grade apps and blockchains. Avalanche taps into the potential of digital assets, blockchain-based environments, and decentralized finance as a uniquely fast network with top security and a great potential to scale.  What Gives Avalanche Value? Avalanche draws its value from its technical capacity, technology, use cases, and relevancy in the sector of DeFi. The intrinsic value of Avalanche can be seen in its technical value and the potential of its technology to find financial use cases. The intrinsic value often doesn’t coincide with the market value of Avalanche, which is viewed through the price of AVAX. The market value of AVAX is subject to frequent changes due to the volatility in the cryptocurrency market and a great number of elements influencing the price of Avalanche. The price may change rapidly within a rather short period, which makes AVAX volatile like the majority of crypto assets. How Many Avalanche (AVAX) Coins Are There in Circulation? There are currently 409,843,509 AVAX in circulation out of a total of 720,000,000 AVAX AVAX. Avalanche has a limited supply of AVAX coins, which acts as an anti-inflation mechanism. The Avalanche community has the power to decide on the rate at which the supply cap is reached through Avalanche consensus and the scarcity of tokens is further increased as transaction fees are burned. The number of AVAX coins in circulation multiplied by the current market price of Avalanche is equal to the market cap of AVAX. The market cap ranks the crypto in comparison with other digital assets in the market and also defines its market share and dominance. Other Technical Data The Avalanche system is governed by AVAX holders and secured through validators and subnets. Many networks with similar use cases to Avalanche have a limited number of validators, while Avalanche doesn’t place a limit on how many validators can run the network. An AVAX holder can become a validator by staking at least 2,000 AVAX coins. Avalanche uses this system to interconnect other blockchain networks that run on the platform and enable the fast processing of thousands of transactions with sub-second finality. Validators secure the network and are in charge of validating transactions on the ledger. AVAX plays an integral role in this system as it needs to be staked by holders and network users to become validators. How is the Avalanche Network Secured? The Avalanche network is secured via two different protocols – Avalanche consensus. which is a by-product of the Proof of Stake consensus mechanism, and Snowman protocol. Snowman protocol secures C-Chain and P-Chain to facilitate smart contract operations with fast responses. Snowman protocol is chain-optimized to secure smart contracts, while the entire network is secured by an architecture split across three different blockchains: X-Chain, C-Chain, and P-Chain. X-Chain is secured through the DAG-optimized Avalanche consensus, which is how transactions are secured and achieve a finalization that takes less than a second. The network is secure from one of the most common attacks in the world of blockchain, the 51% attack, offering maximum security to users and developers. How to Use Avalanche Avalanche is used for creating and developing decentralized finance Dapps, financial assets, and blockchain networks. The network is optimized for enterprise-scale and public networks that can be built with a customized set of rules on the network. Avalanche supports the EVM and the Ethereum developer toolkit, while facilitating a highly flexible and scalable environment for developers. Users can also trade financial assets like cryptocurrencies on the platform. The AVAX token is used in network governance, for voting and staking, for paying fees on the network, and as the main payment method on the platform. How to Choose an Avalanche Wallet? AVAX can be safely stored in the official Avalanche wallet. You can easily create this web-based wallet and store your AVAX coins and Avalanche assets with full custody over your funds.  There are also plenty of other places you could store your AVAX and the type of wallet you choose will likely depend on what you want to use it for and how much you need to store. Hardware wallets or cold wallets like Ledger or Trezor provide the most secure option for storing cryptocurrencies with offline storage and backup. However, they can require more technical knowledge and are a more expensive option. As such, they may be better suited to storing larger amounts of AVAX for more experienced users. Software wallets provide another option and are free and easy to use. They are available to download as smartphone or desktop apps and can be custodial or non-custodial. With custodial wallets, the private keys are managed and backed up on your behalf by the service provider. Non-custodial wallets make use of secure elements on your device to store the private keys. While convenient, they are seen as less secure than hardware wallets and may be better suited to smaller amounts of AVAX or more novice users. Online wallets or web wallets are also free and easy to use, and accessible from multiple devices using a web browser. They are, however, considered hot wallets and can be less secure than hardware or software alternatives. As you are likely trusting the platform to manage your AVAX, you should select a reputable service with a track record in security and custody. As such, they are most suited for holding smaller amounts of cryptocurrencies or for those making more frequent trades. Avalanche Price Avalanche price is in constant flux and is susceptible to frequent changes that may alter the price of AVAX dramatically within a relatively short period. Avalanche price is affected by a great multitude of factors, while volatility is among the strongest factors influencing the price of AVAX. As well as traditional factors such as market sentiment, the flow of assets on exchanges, and the economy in general, the price of AVAX is also influenced by demand for the token from validators and the number of apps and users on the Avalanche network. The current Avalanche price is 36.83 €. The 24-hour trading volume of AVAX is 644,049,825 €. AVAX is currently ranked #12 of all cryptocurrencies by total market capitalization, with a market cap of 15,173,420,355 €. It has a circulating supply of 409,843,509 AVAX and a max supply of 720,000,000 AVAX AVAX. $AVAX
2024/12/23 19:14
$AVA It seems like you're discussing a trade for‼️❤️ AVA/USDT with a SELL order Here's a breakdown of the details Coin Pair AVA/USDT (AVA traded against Tether a stablecoin ‼️❤️ Action: SELL You are selling AVA tokens. Amount: 10.6 AVA‼️❤️ Price: 1.3787801 USDT per AVA‼️❤️ This means you are selling 10.6 AVA tokens at a price of 1.3787801 USDT each💫 The total value of the trade is approximately 14.62 USDT❤️ Let me know if you need help analyzing this trade or market trends‼️❤️
2024/12/23 12:24
Another Major Outrage: Avalanche Chains Halt Block Production While AVAX Price Maintains Strength A
Another Major Outrage: Avalanche Chains Halt Block Production While AVAX Price Maintains Strength After Solana, here is another major blockchain that faced a major outrage. Avalanche, the popular layer-1 network, appears to have halted its function as the chain has not produced any new blocks for more than two hours. However, the developers quickly jumped in and are reportedly investigating the matter.  The Ava Labs co-founder, Kevin Sekniqi, believes the issue could be related to the inscription wave, which was launched just a few hours ago. However, he then offered a clarification, “Clarification on this: the issue seems to be a gossip-related memepool management bug, which is purely a code-related bug, and not an issue with performance handling. Inscription seems to have hit the edge case, but inscriptions did not affect performance,” Besides, the AVAX price remained largely untouched with these .


すべてのBitget資産の中で、時価総額がAVA Chiang Mai Night Safariに最も近いのはこれらの8資産です。